Trauma, the Brain’s Response, and Helping Survivors Recover
September 9, 2023
Registration and Donuts: 8:30 am
Training 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
To accommodate a larger group, this event has been moved to
Mennonite Church
5610 W. Trail West Rd.
We will be livestreaming this workshop.
Look for a livestream link here or on our social media channels September 9 at 9:00 am CST.
Dr. Joy Kreider
Dr. Kreider is a neuroscientist who has also worked as a Christian missionary among incarcerated youth in California and poor laborers in Cambodia. These many friends taught her that unprocessed trauma (caused by experiences that are profoundly threatening) disrupts brain function and changes our bodies, behaviors, and beliefs. In the aftermath of unresolved trauma, survivors struggle with anxiety, depression and a sense of disconnection from themselves and others. But the brain is amazingly plastic—meaning that under the right conditions, many trauma-induced changes can be addressed.
Today, there are many brain-and body-based practices that can help all of us move towards emotional regulation and reconnection to self and others. Dr. Kreider blends brain and body-based science with arts- and body-based techniques that can assist us in moving towards recovery. There is hope for trauma survivors and their communities to find new pathways towards resilience and healing.
Deliberate Dialogues, Inc.
938 College Avenue
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
This company is a 501c3.
Phone: 415-830-7430
Training Description
This training is intended for all who want to learn more about trauma and its effects. We will consider the following questions: How do we define terms like trauma and resilience? What is the Fight/Flight/Freeze response and how does the brain produce this response? What are some of the areas of the brain are most affected by trauma? How do trauma-induced brain changes give rise to anxiety, fear, and emotional dys-regulation (meaning that following trauma we now struggle to maintain clear thinking and may slip easily into anxiety, depression or emotional shut down)? And finally, how do we help each other heal from such effects?
The more we learn about the brain, the more we have come to understand how trauma affects us and how we can push back against those effects. Come for a discussion-filled exploration of trauma, the brain, its amazing capacity for plasticity and explore some simple techniques that can help us move towards flexible problem solving and emotional regulation even when significant threats arise.
Five Components
of the Training
1) We zoom out to make sure we are all on the same page, exploring together what we collectively know about trauma, resilience, and other critical details
2) We zoom in to look at basic physiology of our stress response
3) We zoom in closer to explore the role of Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala, what roles they normally play and how these roles change when trauma enters the picture
4) We step into a construct that helps us all understand how we ALL respond under duress, trauma survivor or not. These teachings offer critical insights about our human condition and suggest routes of recovery.
5) We finish by exploring routes of recovery that can help us move towards calm, emotionally regulated spaces where we can handle new challenges and not necessarily consistently move towards fight or flight. And we finish with some additional teachings about resilience that can impact how we practice community together and serve each other in times of need.
Workshop Schedule
8:30 am
Registration & Donuts
9:00 am
9:15 am
10:30 am
10:45 am
12:00 pm
Lunch Served
1:00 pm
2:15 pm
2:30-4:00 pm
Please RSVP to HOPE Ministries
by September 3, 2023.
A freewill offering will be taken to cover the expenses of the training.
To register, call 620-259-9390
or email